Friday, 8 June 2012

whats new

frogs are now available at the Summer Carnival!
get your's now!!!

here are some gifts you get when you buy the humming bird thing.
and you get 1 month member ship!

when you click on an clean pet slot you get this.

here are all the clothes you can buy your bird.

when you enter the summer carnival this comes up.

here are the things you can buy for clothes

you can also buy small and big pushies

new glich 
step 1. go to the summer party thing
step 2. make candy foss 
step 3. use black, white, black
step 4. x out

then you get this!

page 1.

page 2.

here you can find the summer carnival. in partys

page 3.

page 4.

page 5.

page 6.

There is a new item in the den items section of Epic Wonders:

new outfitters

buying a bird.

new chair.

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